Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a little to talk about...

So I have to tell the world some stuff! I am really getting upset about some stuff. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, I want to hurt someone...

Okay, here goes nothing! When people are talking about adoption, and they use the wrong words. Like "give up", "gave away", "give away", "not hard", "are you going to adopt her back", "so you are her REAL mom", "so they are not her real parents are they?", "so are you going to be her mom when she is 18?". Any person that knows anything can see why those are wrong. Yes I am her mom... Her birthmother. No, I am not going to adopt her back... Why would I even have done it in the first place? I did not give her away... Did my belly have a "For Free" sign on it? Was she for sale? NOPE! I don't think so! I did not "give up" either, this one is my favorite! It seriously makes me laugh! g-i-v-e u-p... Am I a sissy? Did I turn my back on something that I didn't want? The answer is NO!!! Her parents are always going to be her parents. They are mom and dad, whats so hard to understand about that? I gave birth, I have a mothers love for her... But they are her parents forever and always! And what could be more perfect then that? Who would not want Tamara to be their mom? I do!!! I am amazed that she gets to have the parents that she does! I am pretty much jealous! I love it though!!!

Well I am done! I just needed to put that out there!

Love you all!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

I so did it!

So I have been trying to get my computer hooked up to the internet all day at Chrissy's house. And I so did it! After like 7 hours, she told me that she had "a phone hooker-upper thing" in her room!! Hahah, thanks Chrissy!! But it worked! LOVE it!

Well I miss Kylie like crazy today. I just want a hug. And I want to be able to look into her eyes, and tell her that I love her! I know that she knows I do, but I just want to tell her face to face. She is so cute! I love looking at their blog, because it's the closest that I can get most of the time! I love seeing pictures of her! They make me so happy! I love being able to see what she looks like every time. She always changes, just little by little though. I miss her like crazy!

I love you my little girl!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Party Boyed"

I am feeling kinda crazy. I need to update so that Aunt Billi has something to read! I have not really been up to much. We have people over last night. A lot of people. It was crazy. I was a little overwhelmed. I folded laundry, and watched people play the WII.

After that I went to Sabrina's and got "Party Boyed". It was kinda awkward. I was embarrassed. There was a 11-year-old to a 20-year-old. I kinda enjoyed it! Haha, not! It was a birthday party.

So I am kind of talking about nothing, and I want to go watch TV. I I'll write later!
